Fiona is a parent of an autistic child, and a support group volunteer with Autism NI.

My son was diagnosed with autism in 2016 and following diagnosis we were placed on a 6-month waiting list. During this time, we reached out to other support services that we could find ourselves, but success was limited, and we needed urgent expert advice on what to do. I saw an advert for a new evening Autism NI support group, I attended that night scared of what lay ahead but left with relief and the confidence to move forward, armed with experienced guidance and instructions on exactly what needed to be done.
Over the last 6 years my family have enjoyed membership benefits such as free day trips to W5 and Belfast Zoo, as well as social opportunities through our support group CoderDojo club. I initially attended the monthly support group meetings and have since became a family support group volunteer, and with Autism NI I’ve received free training, shaped wellbeing and awareness events, and taken part in fundraising and lobbying activities.
I’m thankful to be part of a collaborative charity which works with the autism community to lobby government, drive research and provide lifeline support and services for individuals and families at every stage.

Autism NI wants to build an inclusive society for all autistic people, and yet recognise that there is still work to be done. Together we can increase discussion and promote better understanding of autistic people who are part of the autism community in Northern Ireland.

To get involved in a local Support Group in your area, please visit