Tori has an autistic brother called Daire, and as a family they are members of Autism NI. 

Two and a half years ago my brother Daire was diagnosed with autism. We are so thankful for all the resources and help and advice that Autism NI sent out to my family.
Daire was diagnosed in December 2021 at the age of 6, as he was displaying signs of autism before his first birthday. As a family we see Daire as any other child but sometimes this can be difficult as Daire can become very overwhelmed. As a family we feel all support is welcomed, and when we heard about Autism NI and the support they offer we decided to become members in February this year.
Autism NI’s Autism Support Officer Linda came to our home for 3 visits. Linda had so much information and strategies for us to put in place at home, and also made us visuals for routine and a behaviour chart.
To show our thanks Tori and Megan are travelling around Tyrone on Saturday 2nd September to all 51 Gaelic pitches to score a point, they will be leaving at 5.30am and will return to Sigersons Strabane at 7pm. We have chosen Autism NI as we would like other families to be made aware of the support and help this charity offers.