Self Care Visuals

We have created visual charts to help autistic people with self-care including brushing teeth and washing hands. You can download these visuals below.

Dressing Appropriately

With the weather change many of our young people will need to change the type of clothing they wear. This resource focuses on adapting clothing according to the weather. Be mindful sensory differences may also impact on the type of clothing our young people feel comfortable wearing.

Snack Tokens

We have made this downloadable visual to manage snack time during the summer.  

Download this free visual, cut out the board and the snack tokens at the bottom, place a strip of Velcro in the yellow box and you can attach the allocated number of snack tokens that you think is appropriate for the day.  If your child has a snack and a token is used, it can be a good idea to tape an envelope onto the bottom which the used tokens can go into it. 

Autism and Sleep

Some of the families we have recently supported are experiencing additional challenges with sleep, due to increased anxiety and routine change. Our recently uploaded ‘Autism and Sleep’ guide reviews some key strategies that can be considered if an autistic child is having difficulty with sleeping.


We have created a social story and reward chart to help support your child using the toilet.

You can download these below.


A common concern among many of our families is independent toileting skills, please see our social story and step by step visual guide on promoting independent bottom wiping.

Washing Hands

We have developed useful social stories to help with hand washing and when to wash hands. We have also developed a social story on playing in the sink. You can download these resources below.