Our Helpline is the first point of contact for many autistic people, families, and professionals.

During 2022/23, Autism NI received over 7,500 direct contacts which enabled the team to advise autistic people and their families on support available and additional interventions including practical resources, one to-one sessions, and a listening ear.

Autistic adults, parents, family members, and professionals use this service to seek access to other services, resources, advice, and information on a wide range of issues related to autism, pre and post diagnosis. The volume of enquiries we are dealing with indicates the real need that exists to inform, assist, and support autistic people and their families.  

Call our Helpline

Autism NI’s Helpline Service operates from Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm.

Please note if you are unable to get through due to a high number of calls, please leave a voicemail with your name and number and someone will get back to you ASAP, or email info@autismni.org

Autism NI is a NI Helplines member, more information on other Helplines and support services available, can be found at www.helplinesnetworkni.com

I really appreciated being able to talk to you today and for your understanding of the situation. Thanks for giving me some options to explore of pass on. 
Feedback from an autistic adult who used our Helpline service