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Autistic Children

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There are many routes to an autism diagnosis for children. This may include Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Health Visitors, Education Authority and GP or Pediatrician. Waiting lists for assessments vary across Trust areas. If you require support at the start of or during this process of assessment, please contact our Family Support team on  

There are a number of independent/private providers of assessment, diagnosis and services in Northern Ireland. The costs of independent/private assessments can vary, so it’s a good idea to phone several, ask how much it costs, what this pays for and whether there is any follow-up therapeutic service offered. 

Some local Health and Social Care Trusts may not accept resulting reports or recommendations of private diagnoses.  They might insist upon an NHS diagnosis before they will provide services.  For this reason, we suggest that you consult the independent/private provider and your local Health and Social Care Trust. 

After a Diagnosis 

Directly after a diagnosis, many parents can feel insecure and uncertain about the needs of their child.  It is important to recognise that the period immediately following diagnosis is one of huge adjustments. As you gather more knowledge and understanding about autism, your confidence will grow and with it the recognition that YOU are the greatest, all-round expert on your child.

Actively seek out people who are knowledgeable and consider what they have to say. Take time to look up suggested therapies and interventions and decide what is best for your family. Above all never lose sight of the individual child at the centre of any proposed therapy, strategy or intervention.


Autism NI have created a range of downloadable Keyhole Rainbow Resource booklets booklets to support parents on a number of topics.